Firma l’appello per il Fondo Globale

La campagna Fund the Fund è una rete di organizzazioni impegnate nell’assicurare finanziamenti al Fondo Globale per la lotta contro AIDS, Tubercolosi e Malaria. Consapevoli del fatto che il Fondo Globale si trova di fronte ad una gravissima crisi finanziaria chiediamo che i governi dei paesi ricchi si impegnino a fornire le risorse necessarie per combattere AIDS, Tubercoli e Malaria, tre malattie che rischiano di decimare interi paesi. Gli attivisti che fanno parte della campagna Fund The Fund ritengono che i paesi ricchi abbiano investito troppo poco nel Fondo Globale, e stiano ignorando l’urgente bisogno di trattamenti necessari per combattere l’epidemia di HIV/AIDS nel sud del mondo. Chiediamo ai capi di stato dei paesi ricchi di impegnarsi a contribuire in misura tale da garantire – come minimo – la realizzazione dei progetti già approvati per il terzo round del Fondo Globale – 1.4 miliardi di dollari, sulla base delle stime dello stesso Fondo Globale – in occasione del prossimo incontro dei paesi G8 in programma ad Evian, Francia, nel mese di giugno 2003.

Le persone sieropositive e gli attivisti impegnati nella campagna FundTheFund non permetteranno che i governi ricchi abbandonino il Fondo Globale tradendo le speranze di 42 milioni di persone che sieropositive. I capi di stato non devono assolutamente voltare le spalle a milioni di persone, a soli due anni dalla costituzione del Fondo Globale, approvato ufficialmente nel corso del summit dei paesi del G8 di Genova.

Chiediamo alle organizzazioni, e ai singoli individui, di firmare questa lettera indirizzata ai capi di stato dei paesi ricchi utilizzando il modulo allegato. La lettera sarà consegnata alla stampa, e ai capi di stato alla fine di maggio. Riempite il modulo allegato e inviate le vostre adesioni a oppure a


Se fate parte di un organizzazione specificate se l’adesione è individuale o se è l’organizzazione ad aderire. Fateci inoltre sapere se volete aderire all’intera campagna. Inviate le vostre adesioni a oppure a

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Maggiori informazioni sulla campagna Fund the Fund


  • Mr. Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada
  • Mr. Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic
  • Mr. Gerhard Schröder Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of the Italian Republic
  • Mr. Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan
  • Mr. Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • Mr. George W. Bush, President of the United States

    Dear G7 Heads of State,

    The annual G8 meetings rightly prioritise action to improve the lives of the poorest people of the world. That was the impetus for commitments made at the Okinawa G8 in December 2000 to tackling AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria; and again during the 2001 summit in Genoa where you formally declared your support for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (the Fund). Saving and improving lives was also the impetus for support you have expressed for increasing access to medicines in developing countries for treating these and other killer diseases.

    The Global Fund is only two years old but has already committed US$1.5bn to fund high quality grant from 85 countries, and has accumulated significant successes. But without immediate, dramatic increases in funding from G7 countries, the Fund will not be able to sustain and build on these life-saving successes. The Fund’s third round of grant approvals is scheduled for October 2003, and the Fund is in danger of being unable to meet the demand generated by eligible
    projects, because the Fund is virtually out of money.

    We, the undersigned, representing concerned groups and individuals including people living with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, from rich countries and poor countries, from the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere, call on you, the leaders of the richest countries in the world, to act urgently to ensure that desperately needed programs designed to win the war on AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria get full funding from the G7. US$1.4bn is urgently needed to
    fund the Global Fund’s third round of grant requests this year. According to equitable funding principles, at least US$793m should come from G7 countries by October 2003 and at least US$8.2bn to ensure successful rounds in 2004 and 2005. We also urge you to publicly support policies that promote access to lowest cost medicines, including quality generics, thereby ensuring that the greatest number of people gain access to medicines as a result of your contributions.

    This must not be another G7 summit of broken promises and empty declarations. The wealthiest countries in the world have an obligation to help reverse the suffering and death caused by AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Keeping your promise to fund the Global Fund is our best hope to reverse the devastation wrought by these diseases and see the most heavily impacted countries lift themselves
    out of poverty.

    Yours sincerely,

    Fund the Fund Campaign

    International Organizations:

  • Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+)
  • International Council of AIDS Services Organizations (ICASO)
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

    National and Continental Organizations:

  • ACT UP East Bay, USA
  • ACT UP New York, USA
  • ACT UP Paris, France
  • ACT UP Philadelphia, USA
  • Action AID, UK
  • AEDES Foundation, Brussels
  • AIDES, France
  • AIDS Task Force of Africa Japan Forum, Tokyo
  • Aidspan, USA
  • Association Nationale de Soutien aux Seropositifs (ANSS), Burundi
  • European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Germany
  • German Institute for Medical Mission, Berlin, German
  • Grupo Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA-Pedro
    Santos (GAT), Portugal

  • Health GAP (Global Access Project), USA
  • Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), Canada
  • Italian Community Advisory Board, Italy
  • LILA Cedius, Italy
  • The Massive Effort Campaign, Switzerland
  • Nadir HIV Treatment Group, Italy
  • SENSOA, Belgium
  • Stop AIDS Alliance, Belgium
  • Student Global AIDS Campaign, USA
  • World Development Movement (WDM), London